Customers are the source of real growth. We combine in-depth customer insights with practical expertise in operations and economics to help our clients create sustainable, organic growth to help your business succeed.
Our Approach
A business plan is a fundamental document that is required for a start-up business to proceed by talking with banks, venture capital firms and business partners. BEN helps you in the preparation of a solid business plan that can be used either internally, to enhance the definition of the business and to assess all risks and opportunities, or externally, to support or find partners or to raise funds.

Key Benefits of the Service
We help our customers to develop sound and complete business plans, covering the following topics:
- Executive summary
- Background of the initiative
- Description of the proposed business
- Reference market analysis
- Strategic marketing plan
- Competitive analysis
- Operational Plan
- Financing resources
- Financial projections
- SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
- Exit way
- Action plan
The key element of the business plan is the set of financial projections for the business, that are often called pro-forma financial statements. Such statements cover the lifetime of the project and include the overall CapEx budget, current and projected financing, operating costs and revenues and subsequent cash flow estimates for the business owner and for the financial institutions.
The length of the business plan document greatly depends on the business, but we try to have the information fit into some 20 pages, excluding appendices.
The business plan requires periodic updates in order to take into consideration the earned achievements and the evolution of the market since the business inception.
Our Customers say that our documents are comprehensive, yet clear and of easy understanding for all the parties involved (shareholders, partners, banks, etc.).