An expert system is a computer system that emulates the decision-making ability of a human expert. They are designed to solve complex problems with the aid of if–then rules and through conventional procedural code.
The Purpose
Time and quality are of essence in most of the projects where we are involved on behalf of customers. Therefore, we have developed Expert Systems that enable to evaluate costs, analyse markets, execute financial projections for business plans, prepare prices for competitive bids.
Expert Systems
We develop Expert Systems specifically designed to handle and optimize work processes of our Customers. Expert Systems are designed following the concepts of artificial intelligence. Expert Systems are very useful when you lack qualified people in critical areas of your organization or when you have them but want to transfer such competence to junior employees or want to enhance the output of a work process.

What we can do for you
We have developed a number of appraisal and pricing models for our internal use and also in customized versions for the use by our clients.
PCEM enables to evaluate project costs and pricing for EPC lump-sum turn-key projects. This Expert System has been developed in various versions for large infrastructure projects and for smaller plant packages and equipment.
Prima3 is an expert system designed to produce accurate project cost estimates, develop a business plan and run a thorough risk analysis with the Montecarlo method. It can be used to evaluate industrial and infrastructure projects on BOO/BOT basis.
IMA is an expert system that enables to analyze the market of commodities, utilities, products and services in order to provide a solid basis for evaluating the return of an investment.